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Resume Writing Tips |
In today’s corporate world, if you want to be hired, then you
must possess some degree of uniqueness and this starts readily from your
resume. Resume matters a lot, because it is the per-requisite of any kind of
interview. But if you view your resume as nothing more than a hurdle, you
probably aren’t taking it as seriously as you should. But if you value it as a
game-changer, you understand its importance and credibility. Unfortunately,
those who are new to the world of resumes (and even seasoned job-seekers) often
make some mistakes that can take them out of contention, and sometimes the
employers doesn’t even bother to call the applicants by simply screening their
resumes. So today we will discuss what makes your resume lasting, eye-catching
and helpful by simply cutting out some mistakes on your resume.
But before you start, examine your resume that what your
resume is all about? Is it an annoying story that you carry with yourself at
the time of walking into an interview with any hope of getting hired? Or is it
a history of your educational and professional life, ready to be shared with
others to make lasting, career-forging connections?
Now, start reading these points one-by-one, in order to watch
out mistakes on your resume.
1. Lying
There isn’t any need to say any word about it, but
surprisingly, it needs to be said. People falsify or "pad" their
resumes all the time. Unfortunately, it causes them to bite their nails after
the interview is over. So keep your resume to the facts. Don't stretch or bend
the truth. Don't alter employment dates to keep from having gaps in your
timeline. Don't claim certificates, projects, duties or experiences you never
had. Don't. Don't. Don't.
2. Stating an Unattainable Goal
The goal or objective that you put on your resume must
confirm that they are SMART, rather
than obscure or murky. Everyone knows you want to someday be the CEO of your
own company. Everyone knows you want to stare down from above and run the
corporate machine. Even beyond the unattainable goal, get rid of that objective
that has littered resumes for decades. It's worthless. Saying that your goal is
to climb the corporate ladder and be as wealthy as Bill Gates just piles on the bad. Scratch that section altogether
and you'll have more room for what matters, means experience and skills.
3. Adding Achievements That Aren't
You were prom queen or you were voted the most handsome or
good-looking guy in grade 7 in your high school. But consider this; are those
achievements really achievements to be mentioned on your resume? The last thing
you need is to puff up your resume with awards that have no relevance for the
career you're chasing after. If you really want to add some achievements, then
those must be addable, that is what we're talking. Undoubtedly, these must be
your academic achievements. So be judicious in choosing those highlights.
4. Citing Previous Salaries
Never ever include your previous salaries on your resume.
There are so many reasons not to do this. Here's one simple, self-serving
reason not to do this: It will give your prospective employer a springboard for
determining your new salary. Your goal should be to make more, so don't give
the interviewer the means to undercut your true worth. Leave that information
off so you can negotiate your salary needs later after you’re hired.
5. Including Personal Information
There is no reason to include the fact that you're married,
have half a dozen of kids (because you are not applying for a CNIC, Immigration
form or VISA), drive a minivan, attend church or mosque every weekend, coach your
middle child’s soccer team, etc. All of that will eventually come out in the
wash as you begin your career in the IT or business world. On a resume, it has
no place. If you don't agree, consider this. What happens if you go into an
interview and the hiring manager happens to hate soccer or is an atheist?
You've immediately put yourself on the defensive side of things and have to
work your way around a preconceived notion.
6. Listing Your Age
It's not illegal for interviewers to ask you your age, they
can. But in fact, there isn’t any reason to ask about the age of the person
being interviewed due to the fact that age doesn’t proves to be a scale to
measure someone’s credibility or level of excellence. And most often, no one
asks about your age. Regardless of whether an interviewer plans on asking that
question, you shouldn't prompt them or give them reason to question your value
simply because you added your birth date or age on that document. Leave it out.
7. Providing References
Don't include references. Don't even add "Available upon
request." If interviewers need references, they'll ask. Saying that your
references are available upon request is like saying that you promise to come
to work if hired. It's implied. Besides, the space on that single-page document
is far too important to be used up by worthless statements.
8. Writing in Third Person
The interviewer knows if you are trying to impress by writing
in third person, it only makes you present yourself boastful, overconfident or
it makes you look cocky. In fact, it is insisted that you never refer to
yourself in third person unless you're trying to make your co-workers laugh. However,
you don’t only need to write in third person but also not even write in first
person. Why? I'm fairly certain it is understood every detail on your resume is
about you.
9. Using a Less-than-Professional Email Address
It doesn't matter that you've used
bromancewithbooze@gmail.com as your primary email address for years. Leave it
off your resume. If that's the only email account you have, create a new one
with a professional name (as in, your name). Even if you use it only for
resumes, do it.
10. Including Your Current Business Contact Information
Do this and you might wind up receiving a call at your
current place of employment by your prospective employer. Never list the
contact information of your current business. If the potential new employers
want to contact your current business, all they have to do is look up the name
to get the details. The only phone number you should include on your resume is
your personal mobile number. Nothing more.
Final Note
Your resume should help potential employers navigate the
waters of your professional past and present. Don't muddy those waters with
unnecessary information that could send you to the slush pile. Keep it
relevant, fresh, and to the point and you'll increase the chances of getting to
the next round of interviews.
Let that be your guide when you add information to your
What other resume do's
and don'ts would you recommend? Share your advice in comments below.
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