Drug Addiction, Risk Factors and Prevention

Definitions of Key Terms
Ø addiction: to use compulsively or uncontrollably; to enslave
Ø abuse: to use wrongly or improperly
Ø habit: a constant, often unconscious, inclination  to  perform some act, acquired through its frequent repetition
Ø addiction liability/potential: the tendency to develop/produce an addiction
Ø dependence: state of being determined, influenced, or controlled by something else; subordination to someone or something needed or greatly desired; required for normal physiological or psychological function

What is Drug Addiction?
Drug addiction (an addiction to a drug especially a narcotic drug) is a multifaceted brain disease which is a property of any drug. It is characterized by habitual, at times uncontrollable drug desire, seeking and use that continue even at the times of extremely negative consequences. Some important characteristic of a drug’s action is critically involved in creating an addiction.

Drug Business
Drugs are the big business network at international level. It is one of the ever growing businesses since its inception. In countries like Afghanistan, Mexico, Brazil, Thailand and many other parts of the world it has turned into huge enterprises employing big dogs and had worldwide consumer markets of millions, which is increasing day-by-day. In the past few decades, due to the consequences faced by the drugs addiction, it had emerged as a huge challenge faced by the human.

Drugs Usage
The United Nations estimates that there are more than 50 million regular users of heroin, cocaine and synthetic drugs worldwide. Generally young people like tender aged are the main users of drugs. In addition, there is wide number of adult men and women of all ages who are addicted to this evil. There is a growing number of drug addicts nowadays that can be seen especially the college and university students. Now most of the people use drugs because of the influences of their social settings that require them to use drugs in order to comply with the norms of such groups. Another facet of drug addiction is the use of drugs by most of the youth is in the sense of fashion and this deceitful fashion is growing with rapid pace.

Types of Drugs
Ø Alcohol        
Ø Heroine
Ø Amphetamine
Ø Opium
Ø Tobacco
Ø Cocaine
Ø Hallucinogens
Ø Nicotine and caffeine

Risk Factors and Symptoms of Drugs Addiction
Ø Health and behavioral issues
Ø Anxiety
Ø Depression
Ø Loneliness
Ø Personality defamation
Ø Alienation or Social life disturbances
Ø Genetics
Ø Financial and legal issues

Ways of Preventing Drug Addiction

Ø Crop eradication, crop substitution and destruction of drugs
Ø Licensing, monitoring and inspection
Ø Investigation, prosecution and sanction
Ø Intelligence and legislation enforcement
Ø Rehabilitation plans and programs
Ø International organizations and NGOs

Drugs abuse is a complex problem thought to result of a combination of genetic, psychological and environmental factors. It affects people from the teen age to old stage of life. With increased knowledge of chemical dependency, one may be able to identify and encourage a patient, co-worker or family member to seek the support needed to change substance abuse habits. The self-assessment checklist and list of resource may provide insight and information helpful to someone who must take that difficult first step to recovery.


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